POCT R2D2-V2 Handheld Quantum Dot Immunofluorescence It has the function of power-on self-test;It has the function of storing and querying the results, and can support a variety of query methods;It has the function of entering calibration information, and can carry out calibration and calibration;It has the function of fault indication.With built-in incubator, accurate timing and temperature control.User-friendly, room temperature storage test reagents PDF DOWNLOAD Previous image Next image R2D2-F Handheld Quantum Dot Immunofluorescence Instant results, up to 10 minutes Smaller sample size, as small as 5-20 uL Optional R2D2-F Incubator with timer ensure reliable results and improve test efficiency User-friendly, room temperature storage test reagents PDF DOWNLOAD Previous image Next image Diabetes HBAICNCALMALBC-PEPTIDEINSULIN Cardiac TN-ICK-MBNTPROBNPD-DIMERMYOGLOBINCARDIACTRIPLEHSCRPBNPH-FABP Inflammation CRPPCTSAACRP-SAAIL-SIL-SPCT Hormones β-HCGFSHLHLH-FSHPRLPROCESTERONETESTOSTERONEAMHCORTİSOL Canser TOTAL PSAFREE PSAAFPCEACA125IFOBPC I-IIH.PYLORIFERRITIN Throid function TSHT4